Sonia Rao Lan
Executive, Leadership & Women’s Leadership Coach | Shenzhen, China
Sonia works with executives from the automobile, finance, real estate, pharmaceutical, retail, manufacturing and information technology industries in China. Sonia began coaching in 2011, has a MCC and facilitates ALCNs Coaching Skills for Leadership and Life in China.
Having studied women in leadership she is passionate about coaching women who want to live a bold and fearless life, and integrates meditation and Qigong into her practice. Prior to coaching, Sonia held leadership positions in Fortune 500s including within financial services.
Sonia is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) of International Coach Federation (ICF), Certified NLP Executive Coach (ALCN), Certified Team Coach IECL (Institute of Executive Coaching & Leadership) Certified Satir Psychology Consultant and studied Gestalt Therapy Integration. She is also Associate Coach with CCL (Center for Creative Leadership) and a Mentor for the Post-MBA Program at Fudan University.
Sonia coaches in Mandarin.